The Vault - Hog Media Talent Agency

Sports Podcast

The Vault: A Podcast Covering the Baltimore Ravens

Baddog Sports has been an avid New York Yankees, Giants, and Knicks fan since 1984 and is dedicated to providing content on these teams and live-streaming MLB, NFL, and NBA games from New York to Los Angeles. Known for its passion, dedication, and love for sports, Baddog Sports invites discussions and opinions from fellow sports fans.

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Grow As A Sports Creator At Our Talent Agency

Creators aren’t just a part of Hog Media; they run it. Each team member acquires an ownership stake as a part of the network and maintains 100% of their intellectual property. Our purpose is to provide our creators with the partnerships and client satisfaction they deserve so they can obtain the resources to flourish in making content online.

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For partnership inquiries with The Vault, please contact Hog Media by filling out the contact form with your details and inquiries.